+ The different types of supports, purpose, classification and symbology.
+ How to read a stress and flexibility isometric, and transform the restraints proposed by the stress analyst into real supports.
+ How to design rigid supports and to select spring supports, based on real examples.
Luigi Salvato
Excellent course.
Roberto Sacatani
Without any experience in piping supports design, this course has met my expectation. Course contents are well presented and easy to follow. This course is highly recommended.
Jonathan David
It has been very comfortable for me to use the online platform of the course, I think that the structure and teaching resources are very clear. Regarding learning, I positively value the tutor’s speed in responding and the clarity of his answers.
Rene R.
Simply thank you for the attention of the tutor as well as the operation of the platform, both excellent.
Aitor V.
The course has been very good.
Vannesa P.
A luxury educational platform, clear, well-structured content and personalized attention.
Jennifer L.
Everything correct, adequate information and platform, very good service. Very satisfied.
Paulina R.
I couldn’t be more satisfied. The contents are clear, entertaining and very very complete.
Rebeca M.
Excellent course, very complete and highly recommended.
Samuel L.
Excellent training received.